This month, SPUC Scotland is launching a new initiative to commemorate the gift of life and to particularly call to mind the many lives that have been lost in our country due to abortion. Our usual White Flower Appeals in parishes have been unable to take place for the last year. This is an important means to raise vital funds allowing us to defend the right to life, but it is also an opportunity for us to inform parishioners of the current issues around abortion.
New Government policies, facilitating “DIY” abortion, have made access to abortion easier than ever and have created a slippery path which many women have gone down, often with very little time to think or weigh up the gravity of their actions. Each abortion extinguishes a tiny human life, filled with potential and each of these is a tragedy in its own right. Sadly, these lost lives are overlooked and forgotten by a society that has become numb to the scale and malice of abortion. We want to remember each of these babies and pray that they are not forgotten but rather that their loss can compel us to save future victims of abortion. SPUC knows that the tiny baby is the primary victim of abortion, but we also understand that there are so many others affected by it. The medics and politicians who put the framework in place to destroy life are themselves damaged in conscience by what they do and we also know that women who are put under pressure to have an abortion, can often suffer mentally and/or physically for many years after the event. Our aim is to create a display of 14,000 flower images, one for every child lost to abortion in Scotland in one year. Bishop Toal will bless the physical display on Saturday, 22 May 2021 at Carfin Grotto when we create our ‘carpet of flowers for the unborn’. We are hoping that individuals will be willing to sponsor a virtual flower and these can be purchased online at Comments are closed.