Suspension of public celebrations of Holy Mass 18th March 2020 Given the recent official advice to reduce the spread of Covid-19, the Bishops of Scotland have taken the difficult decision to suspend Holy Mass in public for the time being from Thursday 19th March, the feast of St Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church. The Bishops, who are responding to an unprecedented crisis in modern times, wish to assure all those whom they lead that this decision has not been taken without much prayer and discernment. Priests will continue to celebrate Holy Mass in private with the particular intention of praying for those suffering from Covid-19 and for those who care for them. Churches will remain open for personal prayer and parish priests are encouraged to welcome individuals who seek consolation and encouragement from the Lord. Priests are also asked to be available for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion as and when they are needed especially for the sick and housebound. All Catholics in Scotland are asked to join with all the Churches in a National Day of Prayer this Sunday 22nd March and to pray the Rosary, the prayer of our Blessed Mother Mary, at 12 noon, asking Her intercession for our country and our world in this time of need. Bishop's Conference of Scotland <<<Pastoral letter >>>
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